Sunday, August 26, 2018

High School

A little over 14 years ago I birthed a baby boy. A big ol' sturdy boy. He was adorable, sweet, snuggly and easy. He is now, 14 very quick years later, some of those things some of the time.

His new height is proving handy.
I've been struggling lately with his age, his size, his pull to grow up and be independent. How some times out of the corner of my eye he looks like an adult. How his voice has changed. How we're almost eye to eye. I've only got a half inch on him. His doctor assures me that my half inch is very short lived. He'll be over 6' in a year or so...

That year will go quickly. As much as I wish I could freeze time, I know this is happening. He's growing up.

And, in three days, he'll walk into high school and begin a series of adventures that he'll remember for the rest of his life. I expect fun and some trouble. I have no doubt there will be a phone call home.

A Freshman. I think back to when I was a Freshman. I was an utter idiot. He is too. Every Freshman is. Bless his heart. 

Now is his time to make mistakes, learn and have fun. Goof off, play, be silly. Grow. Physically and emotionally. Become a good and kind human.

Now is my time to watch it all happen. And, try to enjoy the experience.