Thursday, May 7, 2015

Natural Beauty - There's no Such Thing...

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, the girl doesn't look anything like me. At. All.

But, as I've been told, she acts exactly like me. She's funny. She's an extrovert. I don't know that I really see it though... Or didn't see it until recently.

Most folks know that I grew up in a hair salon, but if you didn't know, you know now. After school. Summer days. Saturdays.

A tip from me - pull a tooth in the salon on a Friday. When all the old ladies are getting their Friday 'dos. Each one of them will give you 50 cents. At least. It's the equivalent of winning the lottery for a seven year old.

Just getting my frost on.
Here's the thing. I was often a test case for various activities in the salon. I vividly remember the 'girls' practicing bowl cuts on my head in the '90s. Or the time they all got trained in eyebrow waxing. On my face.

Or the failed experiment of some kind that turned my hair fire engine red. Two weeks before senior pictures. Half of downtown Salem was standing over my head with various theories on how to fix it. They did fix it, by the way.

My point is, I'm pro keeping yourself 'up'. I keep the brows in check. The hair is colored. Often. I believe in foils, chemicals, good shampoo and conditioner, hot oil treatments, waxing, moisturizer and manicures.

As we've gotten more into dance with the girl, it's become abundantly clear that I'm not much of a dance mom. I chafe at the makeup and all the doing up. I mean, come on, they're small children. I get it. It's the lights and all but it's hard for me to put mascara on my first grader. So, last week when it was picture day, I didn't. I put some lip gloss on her and called it good.

Now, I've staged these mini protests before. I've dropped her off sans makeup only to pick her back up made up.

So, last Saturday as she was sitting on the stool while I made lunch and I was looking down at my cute little girl with her overly dark eye lashes...

"Baby, did they put mascara on you today for pictures?"

"No. I don't have any mascara on!"

"Hmm... I guess it must just be your natural beauty."

"Mom! There's no such thing as natural beauty!"

Annnnnnnnddddd.... Done.

There you have it.

The apple might have brown eyes and straight hair. But, that apple didn't fall far from the tree.

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