Sunday, October 25, 2015


Where I come from popcorn is a big deal. A very big deal. Nearly a spiritual experience. From the time we were small children we sat on the stool watching grandpa make the popcorn. Only him.

Popped to perfection.
Air popper, roasting pan, butter and salted to perfection. Former cottage cheese containers as our serving dishes.

I am not as good at it. I must have watched him make it 50 times but I still cannot duplicate. Sad really. It's not a skill that just comes with genetics.

I've got the air popper. Bought it on Black Friday a couple years ago. For not much money. It's not as good as his. It flings popcorn all over the kitchen in some sort of angry fit.

The children are accustomed to the ease and taste of Orvile via the microwave.

But today, it's cold and rainy. We're catching up on our Halloween movies. Felt like the right time to bust out the air popper. The popper that we use so little it's stored in a cabinet near the ceiling. I have to get on a tall stool and then I still have to reach.

Melted the butter, readied the salt. Let the popper throw its fit. All over the kitchen.

The children, well, they were not impressed. First off, the popcorn wasn't fluorescent yellow and 'buttery'. 

The boy said, "It's buttered. Like on two pieces."

Not a glowing review, I'm afraid.

I will not let a bad review bring me down! I will try again! I will persevere!

Perhaps as a start I should buy a new popper. 

One that is slightly less temperamental.
Fit thrown.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Friday Night, 80s style

Friday night... 1980 something.

The General Lee.
Three kids sprawled out on the floor at 1052 Hemlock Avenue in the grooviest basement of all time. Orange carpet, two red brick walls, two paneled walls. Mom sitting on the tan tweed couch. Working on her latch hook. Microwave popcorn is ready. Dukes of Hazzard is on.

But, really, we're waiting for Dallas.

Dallas, Dallas, Dallas.

I was truly too young to be watching Dallas. But, it was Friday night and I got to stay up until 10. There was no VCR, DVR or any other technology to record it and watch later so, if I was up until 10 and my mom wanted to watch Dallas, well, I got to watch it too.

It's disheartening to report that neither show holds up. I've caught a couple of marathons in recent years. Last time I had the flu I stumbled onto a Dukes marathon. At the time I thought it was a fantastic stroke of luck. Sick, miserable, catching up on some 80's tube. Turns out, the writing is terrible. Really terrible.

Best. Bad. Guy.
No part of the Dukes is even plausible. Starting with the car. Really? Was everyone that gullible in the 80's that they thought you could jump that car over every manner of barn, bridge or gully?

And then there's Dallas, where the writing is bad but the direction is worse.  How did all of America watch and wait through all those cliff hangers? JR, Bobby, Sue Ellen, Pamela, Cliff... I remember all of them and the fantastical drama.

JR Ewing was the best bad guy around. Everyone in America waited an entire summer to find out who shot him, that's how bad he was. If there is a list of people who might murder you, you're seriously bad.  He called every woman in his office 'honey' or 'darling'. I dare a guy at work to call me either one. There won't be a cliff hanger. It'll be obvious who pulled the trigger.

I was pretty young to be learning about affairs, murders, rehab... plus, you can die and come back to life all via dream... Turns out you're just in the shower... When you're angry you throw wine glasses - full. Seems like a horrible waste of wine to me, now that I'm an adult. I can get pretty angry. Scary angry, in fact. The only thing I've ever thrown across a room in anger was my own glasses. Which, was really stupid as then I just had to find them, blindly...

I think part of me thought that when I was a grown up, life would be a little more dramatic. Turns out there are no evil twins, there's not a list of people who want to kill me (that I am aware of), I've never had amnesia, there's no mansion where we all still live with our mother. You're supposedly rich, but you've never bought your own place? You still live with your 'momma'?

The producer of Dallas was Philip Capice. And my brother loved to wait for that pause, the freeze frame at the end of the show and he'd shout out, "Philip Capice!" just as the name flashed up on the screen.

And then, Friday night was over.

Forget the Charger, this is the car for me!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Step Ball Change

Back when I was ten, I was forced into tap dance lessons. Forced. Totally against my will. It was an effort to make me 'graceful'. If you actually know me, you understand that this attempt was a total failure.

Holy Hell.
Thirty years before, my mother asked for dance lessons. Instead she was given a piano and lessons for years. When I asked for piano lessons, the piano was sold. Because, 'I'd never practice'. And yet she seemed shocked when I didn't practice tap...

There were five kids at the start of the class. Just two of us stayed the whole year and were in the recital. I remember standing there - an angry, hands on hips smart-assed ten year old staring at the teacher, refusing to move my feet.  (I'm certain she hated me right back, rightly so.) Our first steps were to Dipsy Doodle. In 1986. Dipsy Doodle.

I fractured my ankle that year. You'd think that four weeks in a cast would have gotten me out of tap, but no. She drug me right on down to the studio, where I sat in a chair and practiced. Tap shoe on my left foot, bulky cast on my right foot.

Step, ball, change.

I was desperate. I had to get out. I went to my only possible option. Grandma. I was on the green stool in the kitchen while she cooked dinner - the best time to have a BIG conversation. And then I begged.

Her response, "Give it time. It will be fun. I'm sure the music is modern and something you like. It's not like you're learning to dance to Dipsy Doodle."

Um, actually... 

My last hope. Dashed.

As you can imagine, the recital was a total disaster. Grandma was wise enough to not attend. We moved soon after. Probably unrelated.

And nearly 30 years later. Guess what I'm doing? Taking tap dance lessons on Friday nights.

So shocking to some of my friends, that when I was asked to join in on a Friday night girls night out, and said I could, but it would be after 8:30 when my tap dance class was over, one burst out laughing. In her defense, I'm sarcastic most of the time and she had no idea that I was serious.

Know what? Tap dancing is f***ing hard. It's a super challenge. I will beat it. I will be in the recital. I will own that dance.


And, my mother is going to pay for it. She just doesn't know it yet.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I learned to tie my shoes when I was four. Bev taught me. She watched me four days a week while my mom worked. I remember emerging from my bedroom, the next morning, shoes tied, very proudly telling my mother that, 'I did it all by myself!'

She looked down at my blue and red sneakers and said, 'No you didn't. You slipped those on'.

Don't worry, I proved I could. I'm pretty sure she felt bad about her lack of faith. And, just one of the things that's made me a pretty damn tough adult.

I don't remember if it was hard to learn but I'm assuming Bev had the patience of a saint because over the years I've tried to teach my children and suffice it to say, it's not gone well.

I tried and tried to teach the boy. Finally one afternoon he learned. Not by me. By the baby sitter. The one who watched him four days a week while I worked. The one who probably has the patience of a saint.

The girl though. Holy hell. Loop, swoop and pull. She couldn't do it. Add in her need for perfection and we would often have tears over shoe tying.  All the while I'm thinking, 'come on! I could do this when I was four!' She's seven. And a half.

Enter Kelly. Kelly runs the before and after school program. Got a text from her today - the girl can tie her shoes! Probably because Kelly has the patience of a saint.

Clearly proof that it takes a village.


Monday, October 5, 2015

To the pain

Here I am again. Icing.

Sometime over last winter I hurt my shoulder. I noticed that it hurt to put my arm into the sleeve of my coat. I can't really pinpoint the injury. I can sort of pinpoint the time - cold enough to need a coat.

It's possible, but not confirmed, that I was injured when some of the guys in the office thought my football skills were lacking. I can throw. I can put it on your numbers. But, it doesn't spiral. They practiced with me, gave me tips. At the time, I thought, "man, I'm going to be sore in the morning."

At no time did I think, "shit, this is going to hurt so bad you'll cry nearly every morning for 10 months."

Now, I'm no pansy. I'm sturdy. I'm pretty tough. I've had broken bones and waited to go to the doctor until the next day. But this. This grinds on you. Day after day. 

I can't lift anything over my head. It's my right shoulder too. I'm hopelessly right handed. My left side is so pathetic I can't even really use it. My left arm just sort of hangs there. Like an ornament.

I've been to the doctor. She thought bone spurs. And if you read up on that, the symptoms fit. 
Negative on that X-ray. 

Torn deltoid. Negative.

Impingement. Still possible. But then they started second guessing that diagnosis because it seems like torn labrum is a possibility. That's surgical.

Now, it's possibly tendonitis and bursitis. Bursitis sounds like an old people disease. I'd prefer it to not be that. Because I'm not old. Dammit!

To treat the latest, we're working through stretches, ibuprofen, twice daily icing and an occasional muscle relaxer. Which I have no business taking. The other night, I decided, while medicated, that I'd like to be a mermaid. For a number of reasons. One of which was 'no pants'.

If someone told me they could fix it by stabbing me with a rusty spoon, I'd be game. Seriously. I just want it fixed. 

It seems to be down to a hardware issue. It's essentially hinges and pullies. Someone should be able to figure this out. So far, four highly educated people are struggling.

After a few more physical therapy appointments I'll finally be able to get a MRI. At least there will be some type of confirmation. Hopefully.

Because, I'm about to punch someone. If I could. But.. I can't punch for shit with my left arm.
