It's been a fucking year. Exactly.
The light at the end of the tunnel might not be a train. |
I haven't worked in the office in a year. A super bummer. I really liked my office. I had cool art and an excellent booze collection and a big screen TV that streamed sports all the time.
Soccer? Yep. Cricket? Yep. Ping Pong? Hell yeah.
In that year, my office has been boxed up and moved. Moved to another building. Not unpacked. Just piles of boxes. There. Waiting. For the someday. I did go in and grab the booze. I would never trust the movers with that. Ever. Plus, I needed that at home.
In good news, The Nimitz is in terrific shape. Hardly any miles in a year. And gas expenses have been miniscule.
My mental health is not in terrific shape. I haven't done that well in this. Maybe I've cracked. It's been a hard year. I don't think I'm alone. I think extroverts in general are having a tough go of it. But, it's expanding beyond extroverts. Even my introvert friends are at the end.
A couple weeks ago I donated blood with my blood donation bestie. We talked and laughed about how much fun we'll have in the someday. When we parted I said, "I want to have so much fun we wake up in a hotel and don't know how we got there."
I mean that.
When this started, it was like snow days. We figured, we'll go home for a few weeks. People will stay home. It'll stop spreading. But, they didn't and it didn't. The weeks turned to months. And now, a year.
As a GenXer I can deal with just about anything. Drop some mac and cheese and pop tarts on my porch and put sitcoms and MTV back on and I'm good. I can hang. But, instead of watching sitcoms 24/7 I started watching the news. It turns out that was a terrible idea. I've never had a ton of faith in humanity but now... now, I don't know if I have any.
The zoom happy hours and virtual coffees have gotten old. I miss seeing people in 3D. Not hugging got old. Me. I miss hugging. That's enough evidence to prove that I've definitely cracked. Defense rests.
And then, today I got the text that I'll be scheduled for my vaccine soon. It's coming. The end is coming. There is hope. I've refreshed my email no less than 100 times waiting for the invite.
This feels like Christmas.
Look out people. In 8-10 weeks I will be hugging everyone I see.
Lucky you.
Love love love this!