Friday, November 10, 2017

Black Velvet

Marketing works.
Grandpa loved a Mac and seven. Or a BV and seven. Black Velvet and Seven is what I remember most.
The marketing worked on him. He was the prime demographic.

Now the amount he could drink was enviable. Mostly whiskey with a splash of seven. Just enough to change the color of the booze. Slightly.

Every night when he got home from the office, he'd have a stout drink. In an airplane glass. Then maybe one more. Reclined in his chair. Ruffles the cat at his feet. He'd sit and read the paper and enjoy his cocktail. Every night.

Then dinner. Dessert. Coffee.

Yesterday would have been his 96th birthday. I was busy and didn't get home until late. And, so, tonight, a bit late, I sat on the couch and had a whiskey. I don't drink it with seven. Just with a splash of water on the rocks. Because I've studied it and... there is a reason it tastes better with water. ...water interacts with the molecules of the whiskey... but, I digress...

Here's the thing, I'm not 6'6" like him. Not even close. Although I am a sturdy girl, I'm an average sized adult.

But, kind of feeling 6'6" tonight.

Post drink.

The last glass.