Monday, April 10, 2017

Grown Up!

Well, maybe. Likely not. But, making strides in the right direction. I'm an adult, by legal definition. I can pay bills on time, get to work, feed the kids - some grown up things. For sure.

In other areas I'm terribly lacking. I have the humor of a 12 year old boy. I wear sneakers. And t-shirts. I've turned down excellent job opportunities because they were 'dress up jobs'. I eat peanut butter and jelly. A lot.

This balance of grown up and not has served me well. Until recently.

Driving to Bend a few weeks ago my passenger cut her finger. Pretty bad. Stitch worthy. On the pass. A long way to get help. Me with literally no supplies. Other than a partially used napkin. Don't worry, she didn't get any blood on the leather.

It got me to thinking. I was sort of screwed with just a cut. What would happen if there was something more? Double screwed, I'd imagine.

The only safety item I have in my car is the glass breaking seatbelt cutter thing. And, that's mostly because I crossed the river twice a day for a lot of years. Odds of a water landing were high. A thing to smash windows, yes. A bandaid, no.

I'm also the proud owner of heavy duty jumper cables. They hang neatly in my garage. You know, where I'll never need them. At home. I have no idea why they aren't in my car other than my dad stored them in the garage, so I store in them in the garage.

That all ends now. As of today, I have an orange back pack with a first aid kit, flash lights, emergency blankets, battery powered flashers AND jumper cables. Flares are probably a better idea than battery powered flashers for safety but anything with fire seems like a bad idea for me.

The mere act of assembly made me actually feel a little more responsible. A little more grown up, if you will.

So, be on the lookout for me, cruising around, looking for emergencies.

Stuff. And things,

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