Saturday, February 11, 2017

Tribe, etc

Tribe, group, gang, clan, squad... whatever term works. Find them. Love them. Hold onto them until they beg you to stop and quit returning your calls.

I have written about my reliance on Functional Friendships. Every one has them, not everyone calls them that. It's essentially your circle(s) of friends, how they overlap or don't and how they fill important areas of your life.

Squad sounds so much more fun than functional friendship...

"Wanna hang with the squad this weekend?" is a lot more inviting than, "would you care to join my functional friendship for dinner?"

As I am now pushing on 41 (holyshithowdidthathappen) and going through some pretty significant life situations, my reliance on friends grows. Just knowing that I can make a call, even if I don't, is very powerful and comforting.

I grew up watching my mom with her circle. Her functional friendship was called, French Club. In all the years, I don't think they ever learned anything French, except wine labels. Beer on sunny afternoons, wine in the evening, chatting, jumping in and helping out.

This is nothing new, this is women over the ages. We come together, we help, we support.

Over the last few years a number of friends have lost a parent, divorced or gone through something equally traumatic.

This is middle age.

Sitting at a table yesterday, with friends, after a funeral, it all becomes clear:

We've got each other.

No matter what.

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