Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What the... why?

I find myself saying that a lot.

What the...?

I can't say want I want to say because there are children around, so I censor.


I'm not going to lie and say the children haven't heard some words.

From time to time.

But, seriously. Why? I think it and say it. All. The. Time.

The kids. They come in. They shed belongings. Shoes. Backpacks. Jackets. All over the middle of the kitchen.

Seriously? Is school that exhausting? So tiring they can only carry their belongings two feet into the house?

They shed and leave items. Wherever. They just leave it.

A random sock in the middle of the staircase.

A half eaten cookie behind the coffee maker.

Glasses. Bowls. Plates. Under the bathtub. True story. Completely f***ing true. 

They can't seriously think it's a good idea. Right?

They aren't dumb. Pretty smart, in fact.

Tonight was a bowl in the dishwasher. Right side up. Still had cereal in it. Now, I know they know better. After a quick friendly chat (really) it was corrected. But, seriously. What the... why?

Do they think I'm dumb? I almost always catch them in their shenanigans. Maybe they are hoping for that one time... and they'll win? Because it they want to go competition mode, I'll step up my game. BIG.

Am I being tested? Have I lost a bet with God?


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