Sunday, October 2, 2016


Oxymoron. It's one of my favorite words.

With that in mind, let's talk about clowns. Yes, clowns. I have no idea what the original intent of a clown was. I'm assuming it was an effort at humor. In the least, clowns are creepy. But, really, let's be honest, clowns are down right scary.

Scary. Period.
There is a whole new thing in the US right now. Scary clowns. They're popping up everywhere. Running around scaring people of all ages. Reports of scary clowns in multiple states. Even some arrests. I have no idea what my reaction would be if I came face to face with a scary clown on the street. I'd like to think I'd punch it and run. But, in reality, I'm pretty sure I'd go deer in the headlights and just stand there in total awe of the situation.

But, really... do they need to be classified as scary? Scary clown. While it seems like an oxymoron, it's actually a pleonasm. Yep, I looked it up. In simple terms, it's redundant. Like tuna fish. Why not just say tuna? Why not just say clown? A clown is scary no matter what makeup is on it's face. On it's creepy, creepy face.

Just ask my sister - she's terrified of clowns and balloons. One incident. Creepy clown gets in her face just as a balloon pops.

And, done.

Childhood ruined.

Because. Clowns.

Feel free to visit a previous post regarding my feelings about clowns and jack in the boxes.

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