Monday, October 10, 2016

The bees knees

Shit. I'm broken again. Again! Seriously.

Toward the end of August my right knee started to hurt. But not really my knee... Sort of the back of my leg on the upper part of my fibula. This was a new pain. Not the IT band, not the sprains, not the shin splints... something new.

Ran on September 4th. Haven't run since. Had three half marathons scheduled between September and December. September didn't happen. November is highly unlikely. Holding out hope for December.

Had anyone told me three years ago that I wouldn't be able to run and that not running would make me cray-zee I would have laughed. And laughed. And laughed.

But, I'm not laughing. I'm grumpy. And sitting on a stationary bike for way too long. Plus, I joined a gym. Because that's where bikes that don't move are located. In gyms. Where you drive to work out. At 5:00 in the morning.

Xray has been done, physical therapy ongoing, MRI done. Results on Wednesday. Fingers crossed. Hoping for running soon. As is the very frustrated doggie. She stares at her leash, then me, then the ice pack. Then rolls her eyes and throws herself on the floor.

I could write for hours about how I am worried I'll become a homicidal maniac in my current non-running state. Or how I'm really worried about the pounds I've added with my limited calorie burn.

But, I can't. Because it's 9:20. And I have to get up at 4:30. To ride a bike that doesn't move.

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