Tuesday, January 3, 2017

High Hopes

2017... do I have high hopes for you... I'd like to say, 2017 can't be worse than 2016 but that just seems like an invitation to trouble.

I don't really do resolutions. I do to-do lists. I like the sound of that a little better. It also keeps me more focused on my plans and keeps me motivated past February. Usually. Sometimes. Maybe.

So, here's my to do list or at least the start... or maybe just a draft.

I have a bajillion lotions, soaps, cleansers, cleaning products, craft items... I've got to use this stuff up. I've got a whole cabinets full. I get some as gifts and I buy too much when everything is way on sale at The Body Shop or Michaels or anywhere. No more buying until the cupboard is bare. Bare I say!

I used to be known as the Recycling Nazi. I've gotten lax. Back at it. Adding in compost too. Dropping the trash can size down.

May also help me with my recycling and trash needs - bring in less to start with. Donate or sell what I don't need, use or love.

Less projects. Less busyness. Just less.

Kitchen dance parties. Hang out. Sit on the porch with a Popsicle and some kids. Find some stars. Count them.

Heal up.
Focus on taking time to heal and get stronger and running again. Not rushing it may drive me batty but I have to try. Try. Try.

Let go.
Well, to the capacity I am able. Let the kids be more free range. They need to make mistakes and goof off. And, you know, be kids. I mean, not kids like we were... we were idiots... but kids who wear helmets and are trackable by phone. Modern kids.

Be vulnerable. Turns out that isn't a bad word. Say I love you. (Without looking at the floor.)

And of course, the repeating to-do list item for another year...

Write more.