Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Narrative

I'm learning something.

I don't fit the narrative any more. It's a weird space for me. Not fitting into the box. Not being the favorite. Not being universally liked.

I've always been pretty loud and opinionated.  If you didn't think I was, you weren't paying attention. I'm not quiet. I'm not particularly shy. I try to be thoughtful. I do. I really try to think before I speak. And, what I speak is generally well thought out. I don't go into decisions without all the information and I don't take unnecessary risks.

I'm watching my friend numbers drop. Which shouldn't worry me or make me sad, but it does. In the grand scheme of things does the number of friends on social media really mean anything? On my death bed will I worry about a like? I'd like to say no...

I assume that the loyalty and love I give is reciprocated. Turns out that isn't the case. Turns out I should have learned this a lot sooner than 40 years old.

With my new sentimentality and fresh soft center, this is a challenge. And one that will be hard to master.

But, I will.

New mantra.