Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Boy

The boy turns 11. At 3:20 on the 19th. Double ones. Time is traveling at a rate I don't want to acknowledge.

The shoulders are getting broad. The last couple baby teeth are trying to hang on. The retainer is in. The braces are on the way. The clothes are coming in adult sizes now. Everything is moving so, so fast.

He's funny and sweet and kind too, I think. He's quick with an, "I love you." And he'll follow it up with a hug. I hope that never changes.

When he got home the other night he asked me if I had heard about the kidnapping in town. My mom heart sank. What a terrible thing.

And then he followed it up with, "It's okay. He woke up."

Good stuff, that is.

We've had our challenges. He's had to fight hard to get where he is in school. He tries really hard and I couldn't be more proud of him. 

I know that those challenges are just the beginning. He's a strong willed stubborn beast. I have no idea where he got those attributes. I fear the teenage years. The social challenges, the mean kids, feeling left out. Those things were terrible enough when it was happening to me. Happening to my boy, that is unfathomable. 

We'll go through the challenges, he'll get busted on a couple things and get away with a few more. He'll use those blue eyes and his charm to get out of trouble. At least a few times.

The girls will come - they are starting to be noticed. Which makes me more than a bit uncomfortable and I'm sure that will result in less sleep.

The next 11 years will produce some major change. Height, weight, voice. He won't actually live here any more. If all goes as it should. A lot of milestones coming at us soon. I'm excited, terrified and sad all rolled into one. 

No matter what happens, he'll always be my little guy. Even when he's too big for my lap.

Ladies man.
Mans man
Man about town.

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