Wednesday, August 2, 2017

me casa es su casa

I have been the worst blogger ever. Literally. The worst. I have been so slow at writing. Sort or uninspired of late.

(And, I don't really consider myself a 'blogger', more of a story teller, but... you get the drift.)

Vodka also works.
Two things happened today. One, I used some new soap I got for Christmas - yes, I have that much different soap it takes me seven months to get to it... most importantly the soap is called 'soap for writers block'. Maybe it actually works. Two, I am actually beginning to process the amazing whirlwind European trip I was recently on. Time to take pen to paper. Or, keys to monitor...

Day one we flew into Frankfurt. From there we headed to Rothenburg, in Bavaria. It was beautiful. Completely amazing. Even better, we got to meet up with some of my college friends who are currently residing in Germany. We had an amazing dinner, beer, dessert and a tour of the town. And, in what I consider an added bonus to the tour, Deb also heard my accent. You know the one... the one I only have when I'm with Jeanna Brown.

"Um, did you just start speaking with an accent?"

Me, giggling, "maybe!"

"Wait until she says sandwich!"

So, while our dinner and evening with friends was awesome, it also meant that we had separated from our official tour. One of our friends and fellow tour goer arranged our room and took our luggage in for us. (We clearly have very good friends!) We received a text: when you go in go up the stairs, you're in room 102.

Seems simple enough. And thanks to GPS and The Browns we were delivered right to the doorstep of the hotel.

"We'll wait here to make sure you're all set."

This is called foreshadowing, if you couldn't tell.

The hotel had a welcoming wrap around porch. The large front door was propped open. We could hear talking and laughing coming from inside. We entered the wide hallway, with a view of a bar and a woman filling a beer stein from a tap in the wall.

We're on the high of the day.

So excited. We're in Germany!

As we turned to go up the stairs, the woman called out, "Can I help you?"

"No. Thank you, we're just going up to our room." Always say thank you... we don't want to be perceived as ugly Americans...

She was standing right next to us now. For a rather large German woman, she was incredibly fast.

In her thick German accent, "Uh, no. This is my house."

20 feet away. Just 20 feet.

Or 6.1 meters. Away. From the hotel door.

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