Monday, August 21, 2017

The Lonely Plant

About a year ago I bought a succulent. Pretty basic little short plant. He, yes, he's a he. He was planted in an old metal measuring cup. Dented. I liked the look of it. And, for a year or so he just sat there. Didn't change. Didn't grow. Nothing. Every once in awhile a leaf would fall off. He was pretty pathetic. Kept him watered. Put him in the sun. Put him out of the sun. Near a window. Away from a window. Still nothing.

A couple months ago, the boy and I were wandering around Lowe's. It's one of our favorite places. I like to picture all the things I could do if the project budget was infinity dollars; the boy likes to picture himself with his own show on HGTV.

Maybe someday.

On our rambling shopping adventure, we came upon some succulents. A four pack for four dollars. They were all small. One looked mostly dead and another one probably dead.

I figured what the heck. I like succulents. They are pretty popular. And for that price, there wasn't much risk.

Took our little four pack home and put it on the kitchen counter. I didn't have time to plant them for a couple days. Almost instantly the mostly dead and probably dead ones died. Out of desperation and in a hurry, I stuffed the two still alive into the metal cup with the other super-lame-refusing-to-grow-plant.

Good luck guys, that metal cup may be the kiss of death.

Rapidly outgrowing their cup.

And then, a strange thing happened. The original little plant started to grow. And grow. He's more than doubled in size in two months. His leaves are open. He actually looks happy. The other two have grown too.

I think the little guy was just lonely.

He, like most of us, needs his friends.

*If you think it's weird that I just wrote a post about a plant, don't. It's not the first. Plants are cool.

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